Jul 31, 2008

Kindred spirits?

I've got to talk about this .dear diary and my readers. Have you ever felt a connection with a person ,usually famous in some way.Celebrity,a reporter, Artist,maybe.I have felt this connection a few times in my life.When I was about 11years old I felt this connection to president Kennedy.Strange,I watched him making speeches,I was a kid ,I didn't watch politicians campaigning.I even listened to his words,and was like a cheerleader for him.There was something I felt;I felt as if I actually knew him.I followed his campaign and cheered with tears in my eyes,when he was elected President.I hadn't thought about this time in my life for probably years.It came to my mind ,because I have felt this knowing about Heath Ledger.There was something about him that touched my heart.We all know he was an actor who could become his character.he was a great actor.Great is not the right word to describe his work,but I will use it for now.When I first heard the news about his death,I was in front of this computer screen.I was in shock.I cried .I just didn't want it to be true.I didn't follow stories that came after,only the factual report about how this happened.It didn't stop there for me.I thought about the fact that he had been telling people around him,that he wasn't sleeping,and the last 2 movies had to have an effect on this young actor.So I did go to see The Dark Knight,his last movie.I went because I wanted to see him , but I could not see heath at all.Again he was his character.It is so bizarre to see those pictures of him as the joker,you can't see him.I think it's what Christian Bale said about health being a"kindred spirit."maybe thats what I felt.

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