Aug 20, 2008

My Open Book.

Hello to all, before I begin to write in my diary,I need to explain to all of you,I have not been posting and I apologize to everyone.I have tried to change templates because I had placed a large widget ,no 2 widgets....well when I post today ,you will see what I mean. I have prayed for along time now to be free;free to continue to learn about many many things.I want to continue to have my daily time with God and Jesus,I say daily time,but actually ,some days it is most of the day.This is difficult for me to write,but I am deeply grateful and humble as I say these things.I know there are those of you longing to hear these precious words I hear.I have been trying to set donation symbol this week ,because I know I will need support to live life in the manner in which God intended.I say this because I started out in life with the feeling and it is who I am. So I will try again and eventually get things in order. I have written 2 post this week,but I don,t see them,maybe you can. I want to tell you about my surprise and amazement that has been going on ,probably all my life,and you may relateto this.Regularly ,such as this morning,I awoke with the word "choice"in my mind.I did think briefly about things I have said,that life is choices.Then soon ,during my quiet time ,I open my new book,100 favorite bible verves,and as usual,I open to a page ;sometimes because I sense this by small hints.Today I opened to a page ,where my fingers did the walking,and of course the content was lesson about choices.I am so surprised,but this word is far from describing this.Just a few days ago ,I remember praying about my practice of blogging and with all the time I have put in to learn and produce a blog.I wanted God to give me truth.I began to see signs,I looked down at a paper and saw,don't quit.I read in my book ,believing in god is all about risk and trust.

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