Sep 20, 2008

Remember Your Child.

Hi to all ,time for my diary entry. Parenting , it's been on my mind lately , I found myself feeling sad the other day because I was concerned about a little girl . She had told about an argument between her mom and dad. The little girl began to cry ,and said , "my daddy made my mommy cry. "mommy said it was ok" , but then she said ," I'm going to stay with my mommy ,(in an angry tone ), she said , "because my daddy made her cry." The argument she was upset about had happened a week or more earlier. The little girl ,who is only 4yrs. old , talked as if it had taken place that day . She said , "daddy bought me some shoes ." I had known about the argument . I knew the argument was about dad spending money on things for himself , when his little girl needed shoes . This is taught in parenting education. This is obvious to some people , that parents shouldn't argue with their children present . You might say ,"when I get angry I don't think about the kids being there . Besides ,their little kids ,their not going to remember anyway." There are many other versions of rationalizing , and it's true ,sometimes , in real life this happens. No one is perfect. However , if this post can stop one of these arguments in front of a child ;the child will have one less hurt , and won't think it's their fault , and he or she will have a better chance of having a happy childhood , and he or she will be told the truth about life according to their age. Yes, I could go on and on ,but I won't, "if "you will remember this. Remember your child.

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