Dear Diary, and to my readers.I have heard the phrase ,"Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow." I'm sure many of you have heard this as well.Many times a person gives up their dreams because they don't believe it can be done. Sometimes a person is too afraid to take that leap of faith. They are those frozen by fear, fear of making a mistake,fear they have always had ,the same fear that has kept them from many other opportunities in their life. They can't step out of their comfort zone.For many young adults they don't have a plan ,or sometimes they do, but then unexpected events occur ;and there are many.What ever the events are ,your plans have to change. (Some hang on for as long as
they can.) A young man has dreams of becoming a writer.So he works things out where he can go to community college at night.This same young man had always dreamed of becoming a famous writer. he has talent , he has written stories since he was 7. He even received a scholarship when he graduated from high school.However ,he felt that the college was too far from home and he was needed at home, he had younger siblings ,his mom really needed him at home.So he gets a part time job and Little by little his dream of being a famous writer begins to fade.He kept telling himself,that one day when the time was right, he would begin writing again and and fulfill his dream. The years go by ,he gets married . And so his life is safe , he can let go of those childish memories.(much easier that way.)then one day when he is much older ,he feels numb from his life of surviving ,but not really living.He knows he has to make changes.He can't live this way any longer.He thinks about writing ,he new there was a time when he loved writing,but as he let this thought really sink in he didn't know if he cared about writing, he even felt a little silly for thinking of it. He did eventually try to write ,but the desire was no longer there,nor was his talent. Believe in yourself, we all have fears and if we do not face them and overcome them;remember ,the meaning of courage is ,being afraid,and doing it anyway.
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