Jun 28, 2008

I'm So Proud of My Amazon

Dear diary I am so happy .I finally did it.I have Amazon on my blog.I have and do buy ,so many things from Amazon.I really feel proud, because to me Amazon is the best place to go for buying online.I always feel safe buying from them .It is easier to buy at Amazon.You see all the items you want to see ,you put it in the cart and get checked out.I have been scammed by Internet products and programs and others have had the same experience.I have lost alot of money and continue to be charged for programs I have cancelled several times.I even cancelled my paypal account because they where continuing to pay the scammers.I know in the beginning ,gullible as I am ,I gave them too much personal information,anyway that's another storey.Back to Amazon.I buy alot of books from them,they have new and used books.I might go to a bookstore and find the book I want and skim through it,to see if It is what I want,and then I go to Amazon to buy it.Or I see a book on Amazon and check it out at book store,then buy it from Amazon for a much cheaper price.What I'm trying to get across is ,like other places make it so difficult,complicated or the site doesn't work right and you end up getting so frustrated ,you just say to heck with it.Oh I want to mention I bought my blogging books there and I really like the books because they are easy to understand and make easy to get started quickly,which I diffenitly needed to do, after spending so much time and money ,and to the point of tears,because ,I thought it shouldn't be this hard.I wanted to have a place of my own (on the web)to write. A place where I can continue to use information from my work.I have a degree and I feel I am wasting so much if I do not use my skills in so manner.Plus I like to think I am still funny sometimes.This is not advertisement,it's a public service announcement .(get it ?,a little funny?).

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