Jun 28, 2008

The changes we are a makin.

dear diary,I want to start out with greetings to my readers.I would like everyone to read my blog description,I realize many blogs tend to have a theme ,and the blog is easy for readers to know what they will read about.I started out that way,but it was not my ninch, at that time anyway.However I do write my post with others in mind,whether the post is meant to be fun or serious,or just my ideas.I wanted to let you know ,that ,just because my post is not of any interest to you today,it will be other days.Also it is important to know there may be someone you know ,to whom you would want to pass along information from my post.....Today I think it's to talk about all the changes I have seen due to the continued increase prices in gasoline.I have seen a big increase in people driving motorcycles,scooters,(that's what I call them because they are not motorcycles),more people walking;I saw a lady today at the ATM,and she was walking.In the news media ,reports on the effects of gasoline increase.There are more and more tips on how to save gas.In my part of town ,alot of cars for sale.Also increase in the new ,smaller cars and the hybrid's;some strange looking cars.It's like being in another country when you out there in the traffic because there is such a change.I have found myself looking at the businesses that you would think of as luxury;like the place that sells quite expensive,cappachinos.Not as many cars there lately ,but it is summer.I have heard people in stores complaining about food cost,and people are shopping differently.In my grocery store ,there is always a large amount of meat that has been marked way down.It seems shoppers are cutting back on fresh vegetables and fruit.Again my store has decreased prices,and have really good sales.The other Big store where everybody has been shopping ,because it's so cheap;well I have compared ,and the Big store has increased prices quite a bit.I have even said I thought I would never see the day when my store was cheaper than that Big store ,you see everywhere.I think about the smaller towns ,where the Big store is the only store,besides maybe one or two smaller stores,and they can't compare to the Big store ,they don't have the business,they cannot offer as much ,because they can't sell it anyway.In some small towns The Big Store,is the most popular place in town. Most of the people in the small towns have low paying jobs,and many people ,guess where?,yeap,they work at the Big store.My point is, this will be, if not already ,a change,because the people will not be able to buy as much at the place that supports the town,with so many jobs.Actually I haven't been keeping up with the latest news about the gas prices.I haven't really followed the news since I became sick about this war and all the ,(no telling what) grap that keeps it going.I have said many times;America is the most powerful and advanced country in the world,yet we still ,with all the brilliant scientist,physicist,etc. have not developed a product to use instead of gasoline!,there has got to be more to the storey there and with other crisis;people going hungry,the health care system anyway I think you've probably heard it all before.(and for me so much more I could talk about.)....this turned out to be a real downer,I'll write something more positive next time so come back.I will read my blog description again.this grandma signing off.

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