Jul 14, 2008

When God Lets you see a piece of life that no other will see.

Dear diary,I want to welcome everyone to my blog.I hope that you will read the description of my blog.I have had many experiences in my life ,and if there is one thing I have learned,everyone needs a place to go to when they are not sure of what to do or where to turn .We have all had those times in our lives.Some people however,don't feel they have such a place.A place where they are comfortable ,peaceful,a place where they are wanted and loved.As I have learned through working with many people,loneliness is very real for many people.there are people who can't get out due to a disability,or illness,there are those who have no family and they feel alone in the world ,even different from other people.I have talked with people who said I have always felt that I didn't fit in anywhere.They would usually say ,"I don't know why I feel this way,but I always have."For myself I have learned why a person could feel they don't fit in.I always seek out reasons for why someone is the way they are.Some of the information I have learned in my education,some ,because that is part of who I am.I want to know how and where something started.I have met so many people who feel they have nothing to offer,but as that person begins to talk you feel it inside;how this person is so interesting,funny,creative,intelligent,unique, independent thinker.when I have been with them I felt as if god had shown me a brilliant star,opening his hand,as a child will open his hand to show you a firefly.God had let me be a part of something so rare,something most people will never experience in a lifetime. thank you god.

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