Jul 16, 2008

Return To 365 Anestors.

dear diary, I want to let my readers know that I have been working on improving my site. I thought it was set-up in blue as before ,but it was in gray. I apologize for the inconvenienced.I am going to refer back to a past post,as I had said at the time I wrote it .365 ancestors.I listed a few names from the book that had ,365 prayers written by 365 of our ancestors.As I have said ,I find the book to be a treasure from the past. I know there are many people quite interested in ancestry.I am going to start the list beginning with July 15,(that is my grandson's birthday,the 17 is my 4 year old granddaughter's birthday.)The list:Psof.J. H.Framer, LL.D, Toronto, Canada, Frank Ballard, D.D. ,M.A.,Sheffied, England, Clarkson Clothier, Philadelphia,Pa. Rev. Otis EErs, Pg.D., Portland,Maine, Oscar Edward Maurer, D.D., New Haven, Connecticut. Edwin R. Graham, Chicago, Illinois., Samuel L. Morris,D.D.,Atlanta, Ga. So again this is just a few more of the contributors of this book of prayers.I think if you don't see anyone as a possible ancestor,you might offer this list to others.I'm, sure you noticed , most names are listed as doctors and dentists.Anyway this could be exciting for some and interesting.You know these days we have learned more about history and more correct parts of history.I was told many years ago that many "outlaws"settled in Ar.I live in Ar.,I found this quite interesting.(and a little funny.) I will close for now ,be sure to return for the next episode of :this grandma's diary.

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