Sep 3, 2008

Be Aware Of Your child /Teens Education ,before it's too late.

Hey to everyone, my diary entry today is important ,the title tells you so. I want to write about some of the experiences I have encountered related to our children's education. I will began with one of the most recent ,and one of the most important issues,to me. I recently went with a teen to check on her school schedule for the year.The teen is in the 11th. grade. We went into the counselor's office and the counselor began to read off the classes .The teen was very interested to know about one of her classes in particular. She got in that class. then we began to talk about some of the other ,socalled ,high school classes .One was parenting. I was taken aback;don't get me wrong ,what I am writing here is my opinion .I almost laughed .Maybe this class does prepare a student for college ,or higher learning ,I don't think many parents would even know this is where the money for education is being spent. So back to the schedule; the teen had been put into a class she had already taken,both ,1and 2 of Art appreciation , then the counselor told us ,well there are not that many classes to choose from . I told the counselor the teen is going to college after graduation, and the teen needed solid classes ,to me that means , a high school level class ,that will be important for continuing education . I think I got through to the counselor, because , we managed to make several changes .The teen is an intelligent person ,motivated to learn, excited about starting school .I am making several points here, the schedule ,the lack of solid education, the school counselors not having time to work with teens about plans after highschool ,that fact that many of us would never even think that some of these classes would be a part of a highschool education. My thoughts were ,if an adult had not been involved in this ,the student would have taken the pitiful schedule .After the meeting ,I ask about preparation for entrance exams for college , counselor said , oh there out there in the filing cabinet ,the counselor said the students would have some practice with the exam before graduation. I have had some experience in career counseling ; I know how important it is for a student to have an advisor, how important it is to begin learning about colleges ,scholarships ,etc.,before 12th grade. The last year of highschool has so many extra activities for seniors ,and the kids are caught up in being a senior, graduating ,parties, graduation gifts ,just to name a few. I know there are some schools better than others,but I am urging parents ,or if they are not available,some adult needs to be involved in the education of our children.There 's more ,but another time.

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