Jun 22, 2008

Remember ,Kids Say The Darnest Things ?

Dear Diary,and to you. for those who are not familiar with this old t.v. show,small children ,I think there were usually about 4,children,age range ,from 3 to 8,(just guessing),and then a later version of this program was hosted by Bill Cosby.I think most people would agree that kids do say the darnest things.A relative recently told me about her 3 year old being in a restaurant with her and the child's father.My relative admitted she and dad were not talking due to a disagreement earlier in the day.The 3 year old said,as she looked across the table at her dad,"This is Sarah, she has a flower on her back."The story was so funny ,it's as if the 3 year old had realized her the parents were not talking,and so she was introducing them, breaking the ice so to speak.Here is another one, my 4year old granddaughter was tearing open a piece of candy and at the same time ,she was sayingto herself,"no sweets,no sweets, noooo sweets."And then she ate the candy.Another small girl frequently talks about when she was a boy.she says things like,"when I was a boy I lived over there in the trees." "When I was a boy I would do this;and then she does something that looks like karate.'When I was a little boy,I had 2 baby sisters."Oh I don't want to leave this one out.A little 3year old boy was at the market with his parents and his 2 week old baby sister,The cashier said to the little boy,"I will trade you a piece of candy for your baby sister".The little boy ,looked at the candy and then he looked at the baby as if he was trying to make a decision.He turned to the cashier and said,"you got one in your stunuck too". There are many more and I'm sure many people have some hilarious stories as well.I just want to end with this .There is nothing in this world sweeter than the love of a child.

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