Oct 7, 2008

Do You See Signs ?

This grandma has been thinking about "signs", some people believe these signs are from God. I have to believe in signs because , since I have continued to learn about god , and the truths he has made known to me ; the signs I see , will be related to what I was told about myself and ,or they will give me answers. Some signs are like renforcing, like God just keeps finding ways to remind me , until I have to do something, or I spend time with God and Jesus, because it keeps showing up, and then I am given the message . Last week I was filling out personal form, on a website for microgiving. One of the questions was what comes first in your life. I began to have thoughts about god should come first , but I honestly felt I was betraying people I love . I felt ashamed that I couldn't make up my mind , I left it unanswered. I thought if I don't choose people I love , it would be very sad. I felt if I could not place God first, then that was wrong , because I have always heard, put God first in your life. Then the next day I was talking to god about this struggle . He explained to me how that works. If I put God first, I pray and learn more about how it all works then I know he comes first. So when I hear ," put God above all else" . It makes perfect sense to me now. I was thinking last night, I have written alot about miracles , but I haven't written much, in detail about the miracles . One reason for that is I find myself not knowing how to write in away that really says what I want to convey to anyone who would want to know. It's like when the insight comes, and I feel the miracle so strongly. That's when I need to write about it. I think that our interpretation of a miracle changes as we change , and the signs may be a part of the changes in a person. So as I began with the idea of signs , today I looked down , while I was dusting , and though I hadn't realize it, a book I had gotten from the library last week ,was laying there , and it said, "this is a time of miracles". I want to say I have reached a point where I don't know how to write about my next insight.

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